Assault on duty by Saxon officers 2020

KGP Polizeigewalt Sachsen

Small statistics update

Last year, we published statistics on assault in office in a text. These figures were based on a small question to the Saxon state parliament and were mainly about sentences against police officers in Saxony for assault in office in the years 2011 to 2019.
We have decided to update these statistics every year and would like to present you the new figures for 2020. Here a direct link to the request.
Compared to the previous year 2019, 315 instead of 308 charges of assault in office were filed against police officers in 2020. This is 7 more than before, so not a big deviation. Assault in office still represents more than one third of all (reported) crimes committed by police officers. Of these, 3.8% were or are being prosecuted, up from 1.3% in 2019. However, half of the cases are still ongoing, so it is not yet possible to give concrete figures on the rate of conviction. So far, one person has been sentenced to a fine. Thus, the probability of actually being convicted of an offense of (negligent) bodily harm in office as a police officer remains at 0.3% for 2020, the same as in the previous year.