In order to make our work transparent to the public, we publish reports on our work at regular intervals.
In the summer of 2021 we designed our first flyer, which was printed a short time later. With the flyer we try to show more presence in Dresden and to make people aware that our office serves as a contact point in case of police violence and misconduct on the part of the officers. The flyer introduces the cooperation against police violence and its goals. In addition, we are currently working on materials that concisely summarize information about dealing with the police. In order to make these accessible to many people, we will translate the materials into different languages.
In September, we conducted a city tour in Dresden on the topic of police violence. The participants received information about the Saxon Police Law as well as about the history and the role of the police in this society at different stations in the city. Furthermore, the critical aspects of police work were discussed, and there was an exchange on police violence, racist controls and the intervention and support of those affected by police controls. The overall goal was to expose police misconduct and discriminatory structures, to make them visible and to show possibilities for intervention.
On our website you can now find a section with many interesting texts, in which the institution police is critically dealt with. For now this is mostly in the german language. We try to keep this collection up to date. If you know further texts or sources, you are welcome to send them to our e-mail address.
Our office will continue to be open twice a week during the Corona pandemic at the following times:
Tuesday: 09:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 16:00 - 18:00 hrs Wednesday: 10:00 - 13:00 hrs
Do you have the time and desire to support our work? Then write us an email or come by in person during opening hours.
Are you a victim of police violence or do you know people who have experienced violence? Contact us via the complaint form, write us an email or come by during opening hours.