15.03. Demonstration
15mrz Deutschland International KGP
on the International Day against Police Brutality

March 5, 2024, 17:00, Postplatz Dresden
Police violence is part of everyday life for many people. It happens. Every day. In many different places in Germany. And beyond, worldwide.
People come into contact with the police because they are poor, young, black, people of color or migrants. Because they behave suspiciously in the eyes of the police or don't fit into the common image of gender. Racial profiling and other discriminatory controls, physical violence and murder by the police threaten and endanger the lives of these people.
Many experience police violence in their everyday lives or are exposed to the constant fear of being stopped and controlled.
In so-called danger zones, police officers carry out random and/or unprovoked controls. This also happens in Dresden, for example at Amalie-Dietrich-Platz in Gorbitz, the Scheune square or Alaunpark in Neustadt.
Police violence is unacceptable in any way. We believe that social and economic problems should not be solved with brute force, but through solidarity and community and transformative processes.
We do not want to let the problem of police violence go uncommented!
So come with us to Postplatz in Dresden on March 15, 2024 at 17:00.
Together, we want to draw attention to the social and political problem of police violence, which is often ignored. We want to remember all those people who have experienced violence or have been murdered by the police. Tell your friends and come to the demonstration!
We call on you:
Support those affected by police controls, don't be intimidated and support people in solidarity if they experience violence by the police.
What is the International Day against Police Brutality?
The International Day Against Police Violence commemorates March 15, 1996, when police from Switzerland brutally attacked two children, who were 11 and 12 years old.
To remember this date, 2 groups called Collective against Police Brutality from Montreal in Canada and the group Black Flag from Switzerland started the annual rally.
Since then, every year on March 15, people around the world come together and demonstrate to remember the people who were killed by police and to fight against police violence.